How to increase potency in men? A person who is naturally full of strength and health is characterized by the belief that he will stay so strong and healthy for many long and happy years of life. And that neglecting the basics of proper nutrition, consuming an immense amount of favorite but harmful foods will not affect him in any way. And this degrading attitude towards physical activity, bad habits will disappear with it. Eh, no! - The body is angry, sooner or later reacts to such neglect of failure.
Potency problems
In men, the corresponding failure often turns into a potential problem: weak and possibly not long-term erection, decreased sexual desire, decreased sperm quality. . . Former big form? The answer is simple: follow the familiar rules of a healthy lifestyle from childhood, pay proper attention to nutrition and exercise, get enough rest and less nervousness.
In the first problems with the potential and even better - to prevent them, it is very important to balance the diet and supply the body with all the substances that can positively affect sexual ability and quality of sexual life.
To increase potency it is necessary to consume a sufficient amount of protein in the diet, but the fat in the diet should be no more than 30 percent. The main sources of protein are meat, fish, eggs, nuts, beans, peas, dairy products.
Also, to increase potency, it is very important for the male body to get the necessary minerals and vitamins from food. Phosphorus has a positive effect on the quality of potency, the main sources of which can be almonds and peanuts, zucchini seeds, pumpkin and sunflower seeds, mushrooms, garlic, beef and mutton, herbs (parsley, spinach, celery), crab, crab.
An important element in this regard is also zinc, which is essential for the production of the main male hormone - testosterone. You can get zinc by eating raw eggs, peas and lentils, oats, rye, wheat and liver. But we must remember that the standard diet involves the consumption of 10 to 15 milligrams of zinc in food, but no more than a third of this amount is absorbed by the body and therefore many experts recommend daily intake of zinc. Tablets and dietary supplements.
Vitamin E is another essential element for the full strength of men and you can get it from bread made from wheat and bran grains, fresh grains, nuts, soy, sunflower, peanut and sesame oils, bananas, tomatoes.
Stress and neuroses
Often, temporary extinction of potency is associated with constant stress and neurosis, which means that in order to increase potency it is necessary to exclude these factors that negatively affect potency. Massage procedures, aromatic baths, yoga classes and good sleep can help you deal with nervous tension. Experts argue that anxiety, nervousness and lack of morale are often directly linked to vitamin A deficiency.
In a body whose eggs can fill. The dishes prepared using them are innumerable: these are omelettes, boiled eggs and traditional scrambled eggs, in which, by the way, it is advisable to add onions, as this product is also very, very useful for potency.
Regular physical activity will help relieve stress as well as saturate the body with healing oxygen, make the blood circulate faster in the circulatory system and prevent the formation of extra pounds (which, by the way, does not have the best effect on potential). Physical exercise is recognized as one of the main conditions for maintaining body tone, and potential - at the level.
Load on the body
However, we must remember that a moderate load, which gives pleasure to a person, has a beneficial effect on potential. But excessive physical activity leads to fatigue and as a result - a decrease in potency, so the main thing in exercise is not to overdo it.
In parallel with the training, it will be useful to do contrast baths, go to the bath regularly and engage in other types of hardening.
ᲪCood habits
In addition, it is highly desirable to get rid of a habit-bad habit if it exists: quit smoking. It is very possible to increase the negative potential of cigarettes, because it is smoking that often becomes the main cause of cardiovascular disease, which largely determines the state of potency.
Caution is also required when consuming alcohol: in principle, do not exceed the dose recommended by doctors, potency problems can be avoided. There is evidence that a glass of good wine can even stimulate sexual activity. In general, the recommended dose of alcohol per day, in terms of pure alcohol, is 30 grams to maintain good health and good potential.
Medication for potency
Recently, potency-enhancing drugs, as well as dietary supplements, have become increasingly popular. Whichever medication you choose to take, you should not take it without first consulting your doctor. Only a specialist can determine if medication is needed to enhance potency and if so, what dose to take and for how long.